In the ever-evolving landscape of leadership development, a dynamic tool has captured the attention of church leaders seeking to create more meaningful connections and nurture spiritual growth within their congregations. The Enneagram, a personality framework, has emerged as a powerful tool for creating self-awareness and personal transformation.

By understanding and embracing the Enneagram, church leaders can tap into a wellspring of insights that can reshape their approach to guiding and nurturing their leadership and congregations.
The Potential of the Enneagram and the Church Self-Awareness and Authenticity
Central to effective leadership is an intimate knowledge of oneself. Engaging with the Enneagram allows church leaders to begin a journey of self-discovery, delving into the depths of their personalities, motivations, and core fears. This heightened self-awareness becomes the foundation for authentic leadership—a leadership style grounded in an honest acknowledgment of strengths and limitations. As church leaders understand their unique Enneagram types, they create the ability to relate better with the members of their congregation, creating an environment characterized by trust, openness, and authenticity.
Effective Communication
The art of communication lies at the heart of effective leadership, and the Enneagram provides a valuable lens through which church leaders can refine this art. Since each Enneagram type has distinct communication tendencies and preferences, understanding these differences helps leaders to adapt their messages in ways that resonate with different members of their congregation. Whether delivering sermons, leading group discussions, or providing individual counseling, an Enneagram-informed approach empowers leaders to communicate in a way that ensures their words are heard and genuinely understood by individuals with different personalities.
Conflict Resolution and Team Dynamics
In the area of church leadership, navigating conflicts and creating strong team dynamics are recurring challenges. The Enneagram equips leaders with a comprehensive toolkit to address these challenges. By understanding the Enneagram types of team members, leaders gain insights into potential sources of conflicts and pathways to resolution. This understanding helps to create a harmonious working environment where team members' strengths are recognized and used to their fullest potential.
Empathy and Compassion
Compassion is the cornerstone of effective pastoral care. Here, the Enneagram helps to shed light on the emotional landscapes and the needs of different personality types. Insights learned from the Enneagram can create a stronger sense of empathy for others which can help leaders form deeper connections with people in their congregation. This empathetic approach helps them to know how to offer guidance and support that resonates deeply with different personality types..
The Path to Transformation
Integrating the knowledge of the Enneagram into church leadership practices helps leaders achieve enhanced self-awareness, better communication skills, improved conflict resolution skills, and a greater capacity for empathy and compassion. This combination of skills creates an interconnected and nurturing environment where church leaders can guide their members toward greater levels of personal transformation, fostering a sense of unity and growth that resonates deeply within their congregations.
If you are interested in learning about how I use the Enneagram to work with Church Leadership teams you can email me juliepkehl@gmail.comand request that I send you my Enneagram Training for Church Leadership Service Sheet.